Investment adviser representatives must complete 12 hours of continuing education (IAR CE) requirements by December 31, 2025. This is an annual requirement pursuant to Colorado Securities Rule 51-4.4.1(IA).
Approved Courses
The Division is proud to be one of the first states to be an approved CE provider and to offer in-person CE courses. The Division presented Preparing For Launch: Your ADV Filing for Colorado Investment Advisers, on November 13, 2024, in our offices.
Due to popular demand, the Division is hosting an additional session of this course on March 12, 2025, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., which gives attendees two products and practice credits. In this interactive course, the Division staff will offer guidance on several key provisions of the Form ADV Part 1 and ADV Part 2 that are applicable to most licensees in their annual renewal process. Staff will also focus on how and when to file.
On the same day, from 9-10 a.m., the Division will debut a new course, 2025 Investment Adviser Examination Priorities. This course will provide one ethics and professional responsibility credit and will help prepare IARs for upcoming examinations. It will provide an in-depth analysis of common deficiencies and suggest ways to avoid them.
Learn more about the courses and register here. For other approved courses, please go here to see NASAA's list of approved providers and their courses.
Requirements, Guidance and FAQs
- The Colorado rule setting forth the 12 hours of IAR CE required per year and General FAQ.
- Slides from the Division's informational webinar presented earlier this year on the new Colorado IAR CE requirement and webinar-specific FAQ.
- FinPro is administering the IARCE tracking. To sign up for a FinPro account, go here.
For additional questions, contact the Division at or 303-894-2320.