Investor Information - Stock Certificate Lookup

Investor Information - Stock Certificate Lookup

The Colorado Division of Securities is not able to determine the value of stock certificates. Such information is not available to the Division and the staff will not be able to assist you. 

  1. If your certificate states that the company was incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado you may contact the Department of Corporations within the office of the Colorado Secretary of State or you may search their corporation database at the web address listed below (only for basic company information).
  2. You may request the Corporate Status of the company or companies, but not a valuation of your stock certificates. If the records of the Secretary of State list the company as dissolved or if they have no listing even though the company was incorporated in Colorado, that company's filings have probably been archived. For a small fee, the Secretary of State will do a record search. Their mailing address is: Colorado Secretary of State, 1700 Broadway, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80290, (303) 894-2200. If the company is in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State, you may request a copy of their latest Corporate Report. You may also wish to contact the company directly. 

There are firms that will trace the history of stock certificates and companies (sometimes for a fee) to determine whether or not the stock certificate has any value.

The following list contains examples of some of those firms and their search websites; however, by providing this information, the Securities Division does not make any recommendations regarding these firms, nor does it vouch for the quality of any services they may provide:

Stock Search International
P.O. Box 2359 
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 
(800) 537-4523

P.O. Box 223795
Chantilly, Virginia 20153
Toll-Free: 1-888-STOCKS6 (1-888-786-2576)
Direct 703-579-4209
Fax 703-995-4422 

Stock Cert Expert
1910 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 2G4